Whether you’re curious about the current real estate market in Cincinnati, looking for expert advice on buying and selling, or seeking specific information about our listings: we’ve got you covered.
Our seasoned team of real estate experts is dedicated to assisting buyers and sellers of all kinds realize your housing aspirations. Get in touch with us today by phone, email, or this convenient contact form. We look forward to providing the answers and resources you need as soon as possible!
Looking for answers? Learn more about The Ron and Anna Bisher Group’s unique approach to partnering with you to find the perfect house or help you move forward to the next adventure!
Contact our team and we’ll guide you through the process of buying and selling.
Yes. We have over 40 years of combined experience in Cincinnati-area real estate.
A real estate agent acts in the best interests of a buyer or seller during a real estate transaction.
We utilize several tools, the most prominent is the Multi-Listing Service (MLS). We can match almost any criteria a client wants, from the size and location of the property to the price range and amenities like a pool or deck.
We will promote your property in several ways. We will take professional photos, create a website, and promote your property on social media and through email.
The home buying and selling process typically takes anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 months, depending on a number of factors. The house is listed, an offer is accepted, and then appraisals and inspections are conducted before the closing occurs. If any of these steps takes longer it can extend the process time.
Not all is lost. We will take what we learned and make recommendations as needed. It also depends on the reason why the offer didn’t go through. There might be several external factors at play that we have no control over. As experienced real estate agents, will do whatever we can to make sure your interests come first.